What does your sleeping position say about you?

Are you making the most of your sleeping position?

And, did you know there’s certain types of bedding which are best for different sleeping positions?

We are going cover everything sleep position-related and tell you exactly how to make the most out of your sleep by making the smallest of changes.

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

The way you sleep can actually say a lot about your personality traits.  It may not be 100% accurate for everyone, but it is a lot of fun to see if you do match up with your favourite sleeping position.

Below we have covered the most popular sleeping positions, so have a look to see if you’re bold and brash or a reserved introvert.

Lying on Your Back

There is more than one way to sleep lying on your back. The first is called ‘the soldier’. This is where the arms are flat and near your side and the legs are straight.

Those who use this position are said to have clear goals and a strong ambition to achieve them. They are also said to be quiet, reserved and have high expectations for themselves and those around them.

If you lie on your back but not as orderly as the soldier, don’t worry, there is still a list of personality traits for you.

Those who lie on their back with their arms and legs here, there and everywhere, you are seen to be:

  1. A positive person.
  2. Someone who likes to be the centre of attention.
  3. A very social person.
  4. A hard worker who is persistent and sometimes stubborn.
  5. Honest.

Lying on Your Front

Also known as ‘the freefall’ position, as it resembles falling through the sky with your hands above your head wrapped around the pillow.

This usually means you are a pretty bold individual, but here are some other believed traits of lying on your stomach:

  1. Outgoing.
  2. A leader.
  3. Impulsive.
  4. Organised.
  5. Not a fan of surprises.

Side Sleepers

Sleeping on your side is a popular position and is seen as the most comfortable by many.

‘Sleeping on your side’ is a little vague as there are so many ways to do this, so let’s break this down and match you with some personality assumptions.

Lying on your side with your knees slightly sticking out can mean that you a relaxed person that isn’t afraid of change or what the future holds. You’re reliable and difficult to offend.

‘The fetal position’ is lying on your side with your arms and legs curled up towards your body. If this is you, your traits can include:

  1. Wanting to be protected by those you trust.
  2. The need to be understood and sympathised with.
  3.  Creative.
  4. Open minded.

Lying on your side with just one leg raised can mean unpredictability. This can bring exciting opportunities and adventures in your life; however, it can be frustrating for friends and family.


Stretching out and taking up the whole bed is sometimes just what we need. This position is where the arms and legs are stretched out far apart and you are lying on your back. Traits of the starfish can include:

  1. Good listening skills.
  2. Introverted.
  3. Always willing to help.

Everyone has their own sleeping positions and knows what they find most comfortable.

However, some of these positions could be doing more damage than good.

Keep reading to find out if you are harming your sleep quality.

How Different Sleeping Positions Can Improve Your Health

There are many things that affect the quality of our sleep, and sleep deprivation is not something to take lightly. It can have some pretty serious consequences that you may not even be aware of.

Have you started:

  • Feeling groggier in the morning
  • Becoming clumsier
  • Feeling that your memory has become worse

Don’t panic, this is not permanent damage and there a few simple changes can be made to get your sleep back on track. You can read our nap blog post to find some unique tips and tricks.

Health Ambition talks more about the health benefits of sleeping

The Best Sleep Position for Back Pain

Back pain can be a common side effect of sleeping in the wrong position. This can affect your whole day and have a serious negative impact on your mood and productivity.

Back pain from bad sleep can be fixed and if you are in a lot of pain you should speak to your doctor.

However, altering your sleeping position is a simple step you can take to get started with defeating back pain. Lying on your back is seen to be the best for your spine.

If you already do lie on your back, trying to place a pillow under your knees and a small rolled up towel under your lower back.

The Best Sleep Position for Headaches

Medical News Today tells us that headaches are one of the most common medical complaints.  The pain can be felt in any part of your head and the pain can range from slight discomfort to an agonising migraine.

There can be many things that cause headaches, most being out of your control such as chemical changes in your brain.

A bad sleeping position can cause headaches which could not only affect the quality of your rest but could also prevent you from going to sleep.

Do you fidget a lot in the night? Constantly turning over and twisting your neck can cause headaches.

The answer?

Good quality pillows.

Pillows that are uneven, flat, lumpy or hard can do some serious damage to your head.

We recommend a soft and fluffy pillow such as a Goose Feather Pillow. For a more budget friendly option, the Soft as Down Microfibre Pillow is also a great option that your head will thank you for!

The Best Sleep Position for Neck Pain

Harvard Health tells us that a great place to start with minimising neck pain is adjusting the way you sleep. They also say that the two best position for avoiding neck pain are on your back or side.

A feather pillow is the best option if you are experiencing this type of pain as they easily conform to the shape of your head and neck.

If you are not a fan of feather, a memory foam pillow is also a great option. This latex feel moulded foam pillow will provide good support for your neck.

Sleep Positions During Pregnancy

It is no secret that a lot of discomfort can be experienced during pregnancy.

It may be that the only time you can relax is when you’re asleep, but if this is also causing pain you may feel that there is no hope for a good night’s rest and a little relaxation.

Some of the main problems that cause this discomfort could be:

  1. Hip pain.
  2. Breathing problems and shortness of breath.
  3. Upper and lower back pain.
  4.  Heartburn.
  5.  Anxiety.

A great way to combat these symptoms and get a great night’s sleep is to adjust the way you are lying. For pregnant women, it is recommended to sleep on your side (preferably on the left).

For even more comfort, the answer is …

(you guessed it) pillows!

And lots of them.

For placement, try between your legs, underneath your upper back and shoulders, or just surround yourself with them to create a cosy little den.

American Pregnancy tells us that lying on your back is a position to avoid when pregnant.

This is because it can cause problems such as back ache, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure and a decrease in circulation to your heart and baby.

How to change your sleeping position

It may seem difficult at first to change the way you sleep, but it can be achieved. Here are some helpful steps to take:

  1. A lot of people don’t even know what position they sleep in. Next time you’re falling asleep, make note of what position you tend to stick to.
  2. Look at all the different sleep positions and analyse which one would suit your needs best.
  3. When you get into bed, you don’t have to automatically get into that position and not move from it all night. Get into bed how you normally would, relax and gently lie in the position. You can move from it if you start to get uncomfortable but try to move back to it before you fall asleep.
  4. It may not feel natural the first few nights, but practice is key to changing the way you sleep.
  5. Try whatever works for you. This could be using pillows, towels or duvets to help you stay in place.
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